In this inspiring episode of “Behind the Armor,” host Judd Shaw chats with Brittany Holmes, a recording artist with a unique journey. From driving Uber to singing the National Anthem at major...
In this inspiring “Behind the Armor” episode, Judd Shaw interviews Justin Wren, an MMA fighter turned humanitarian. Discover how Justin’s journey led him to create Fight for the Forgotten, a nonprofit dedicated...
In this episode of “Behind the Armor,” host Judd Shaw interviews Jordan Tarver, a global best-selling author and intentional change maker, discussing his journey from a life-changing near-death experience and a soul-searching...
Judd Shaw and Dr. Rebecca Heiss explore stress and masculinity. Discover Judd’s shift to authenticity and Rebecca’s insights on modern manhood on “Behind the Armor”.
In his introduction episode, Judd shares his captivating story from survivor to thriver. Learn about Judd’s framework to guide you to meeting your authentic self.