Judd Shaw | Leadership Speaker and Agent of Change

Leadership Starts 
In The Heart

Unlock potential with heart-centered skills like emotional resilience, connection, and authenticity.

Watch Judd’s Reel   Book Judd

Leadership Starts 
In The Heart

Unlock potential with heart-centered skills like emotional resilience, connection, and authenticity.

Watch Judd’s Reel   Book Judd

“do yourself a favor and spend some time with judd!
you will not regret it.”

Dr. Rebecca Heiss, Stress Physiologist, Author, and Keynote Speaker

To Unlock Our Potential,
We must be Brave

Many of us feel more disconnected and isolated in the world we show up to and empty and frustrated about how we show up. Toxic shame fuels imposter syndrome, isolation, depression, stress, and fear at work. It dampens our ability to connect, innovate, and create.

Bravery is the foundation of heart-centered leadership. When equipped with skills grounded in heart-centered leadership, like emotional intelligence, vulnerability, and authenticity, individuals and organizations unlock the unstoppable power of bravery, vision, agency, and transformation.

Social connection and emotional resilience are a balm to the staggering loneliness epidemic and the insidious threat of taboo toxic shame. Workplace cultures prioritizing psychological safety, connection, authenticity, and vulnerability are more innovative, creative, impactful, and resourceful. Imagine your workplace with heart-centered leadership: people are tuned in, stick around, and drive organizational impact.

Hi, I’m Judd.

A leadership speaker, author, and agent of change. I help individuals and organizations heal from toxic shame, build emotional resilience, connect with authenticity, and grow the courage to be agents of change in the workplace and beyond.

Heart-centered leadership skills can be learned: I know because I learned them the hard way as founder of Judd Shaw Injury Law. We can create the workplaces and world we dream of when we each find the power to own our story and spark change.

My Story
Behind the Armor, iPhone Mockup
Behind the Armor Logo

Explore the intricacies of human connection, featuring theorists, scientists, speakers, and psychologists. What are the barriers to connection? How is connection defined in a range of cultures? Let’s lay down our armor and shame as we dive deep into the heart of what matters.


Make authenticity a habit

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